Windy Leah
Thai BodyWork | EFT | Somatics
Metatron Energy Healing
Windy Leah is a healing arts practitioner who is dedicated to studying mind-body connections because within these connections, we evolve. Upon receiving a certification within massage therapy in 2005, she was able to identify patterns each individual body and personality por
Windy Leah
Thai BodyWork | EFT | Somatics
Metatron Energy Healing
Windy Leah is a healing arts practitioner who is dedicated to studying mind-body connections because within these connections, we evolve. Upon receiving a certification within massage therapy in 2005, she was able to identify patterns each individual body and personality portrayed, guiding her into metaphysical studies. Among these studies, she took interest in metaphysical science and modalities such as yoga and breathwork, Thai BodyWork, FasterEFT [Emotionally Focused Transformations, 2013], and Metatron Energy Healing [2022]. Using these modalities to transmute and evolve within, she was able to clearly understand the root of all ailments, disease and psychological imbalance. Accessing these modalities in conjunction with combined experience and training, she is able to orchestrate a unique healing plan for you and sessions that allow you to evolve from all that ails you. How fluid is your flux? Join Windy Leah in session to increase your flexibility in both mind and body and better understand your energetic flow.
[Disclaimer: Windy Leah & Life Thrive Yoga do not represent these
services as any form of health care or psychotherapy, and despite
all training, research and testimonies to the contrary, by law,
make no health benefit claims for these services.]
Diane Stockley
Energy Healing with Spiritual Counseling
Call 717-676-5107 for appointments
Diane offers Energy healing services. She holds a BS in Dietetics and Nutrition and a Master's in Elementary Education. She taught Elementary students for twenty four years before retirement in 2021. She resides in York County with her husband and do
Diane Stockley
Energy Healing with Spiritual Counseling
Call 717-676-5107 for appointments
Diane offers Energy healing services. She holds a BS in Dietetics and Nutrition and a Master's in Elementary Education. She taught Elementary students for twenty four years before retirement in 2021. She resides in York County with her husband and dog. She has studied Reiki I, II and is a Reiki Master. She studied Energy Healing and Intuitive Training. She is a Priest in the order of Melchizedek. She offers Energy Healing sessions with spiritual guidance, and enjoys assisting people with their own healing, and spiritual journey.
Terri Marsteller
Sessions are by appointment only and held in New Park, Pa.
Please call 717-515-1569 or email
(all notes will be provided after session)
A medium communicates with spirits and are a channel between the earthly world and the world beyond what we can see. During medium readings contact can be made
Terri Marsteller
Sessions are by appointment only and held in New Park, Pa.
Please call 717-515-1569 or email
(all notes will be provided after session)
A medium communicates with spirits and are a channel between the earthly world and the world beyond what we can see. During medium readings contact can be made with people who have passed on, spirit guides, angels and the creator. There is no way to know how long a session will last. Some communications can be as long as an hour and half or even fifteen minutes.